Blog Archives

Lean Principles & IoT for Smart Manufacturing

Lean Principles & IoT for Smart Manufacturing

The Lean Principle MUDA, MURA & MURI – These three Japanese terms (also called the Three Ms), used together by Toyota successfully in its Toyota Production System, collectively describe wasteful practices to be eliminated. MUDA is the actual wasteful activity that does not add any value in the value stream, MURA is a reference to […]


Climate Control – Getting One Step Closer with Technology

As the United States re-engages the global community in its fight on climate control, many other nations have also doubled down in their commitment towards the targets set as part of the Paris Agreement. Achieving carbon neutrality by 2050 is still the goal and legislative action alone will not be enough to achieve this. And […]

Industrial Energy Management with IoT Based DPM

Industrial Energy Management with IoT Based DPM

Energy costs are typically the highest indirect expense in the manufacturing industry. A study conducted by the Australian Government showed that HVAC systems alone make up for about 40% of that energy expense. Manufacturers pay billions of dollars in wasted energy costs every year just in running their air compressors. With a strong focus on […]

KPI Driven Digital Performance Management

KPI driven Digital Performance Management using IoT

IoT technology and the ecosystem built around it has given us real-time insights into the physical or operational world. Specifically, IT-OT integration has allowed us to monitor various aspects of any equipment, machine or an operational process and extract meaningful data from different states of these operational technologies. It has opened doors that did not […]

Interoperability in IoT – Caught in Its Own Success

In one of my previous blogs, I talked about how and why an IoT Platform is an important component of an IoT reference architecture. One of the key values an IoT Platform brings is managing information flow between all the various devices and sensors in that IoT ecosystem by enabling interoperability. While we haven’t really […]

Home energy management

Home Energy Management – the Big Picture

Adoption of Smart homes enabling technologies is picking up for a number of different, very valid reasons – it introduces a high level of comfort and convenience to home owners, enables optimized energy utilization leading to lower  monthly costs and, more importantly, provides a better living experience in terms of managed security and added digital […]

IoT Enabled Advanced Asset Condition Monitoring

Reducing operational costs and increasing operational efficiency has always been in the minds of business executives to stay ahead of ever-growing competition. The maintenance and upkeep of capital assets is a big component of operational costs. Unplanned outages caused by improper maintenance strategies or schedules are a huge drain on operational efficiencies; they lead to […]

IoT and the vision of Net Zero

IoT and the Vision of Net Zero

Growing population, economic development in Asia, Africa and South/Central America and shrinking natural resources continue to strain the global energy sector. With the global energy consumption expected to grow by 50% over the next 30 years, efficient utilization and conservation of this depleting natural resource is even more critical. With the goal to achieve Net […]

Driving IoT Adoption

Driving IoT Adoption

IoT, as a technology, has evolved and matured in the last decade since it became an emerging technology and was introduced in Gartner’s Hype Cycle in 2011. While there have been some advancements in the use of IoT for operational efficiencies, optimal asset utilization, quality control, etc. in manufacturing, healthcare, energy and other industries, we […]

IoT Platform - Binding the IoT Ecosystem Together

IoT Platform – Binding the IoT Ecosystem Together

The word IoT has meant many different things to different people, none of it is wrong in any sense. It has been just a matter of perspective. Device and sensor manufacturers think of it as the sensors at the center of the IoT ecosystem with some connectivity and software around the sensors to capture and […]