IoT, as a technology, has evolved and matured in the last decade since it became an emerging technology and was introduced in Gartner’s Hype Cycle in 2011. While there have been some advancements in the use of IoT for operational efficiencies, optimal asset utilization, quality control, etc. in manufacturing, healthcare, energy and other industries, we […]
IoT Platform – Binding the IoT Ecosystem Together

The word IoT has meant many different things to different people, none of it is wrong in any sense. It has been just a matter of perspective. Device and sensor manufacturers think of it as the sensors at the center of the IoT ecosystem with some connectivity and software around the sensors to capture and […]
Social Distancing: Can IoT help?

We are all well aware of the challenges of globalization, more so now than ever. The early decades of this century might as well be called the decades of the flu – SARS, MERS, Swine Flu and now COVID-19. The ill-effects of proximity are showing up in cruel ways with the risks that healthcare workers […]